
Platform for Extension Tools
EiBass empowers partners and implementers to enhance the customer experience through a wide range of tools and capabilities. Partners and Implementers can use EiBass’s rapid development capabilities as well as leverage the existing business component repository to assemble tailored solutions.
Partner Kit
EiBass’s Partner Kit enables partners to provide refined and apt solutions to its customers. It enables partners to add new functionalities specific to the customer through rich and attractive Portals, User Interface Extensions, Logic Extensions and Reports. It enables:
- Flexible business processes and focused analytics
- Tailor-made solutions for the customer’s business needs
- Faster time-to-benefit
- Lower cost of ownership
- Solutions created for uniqueness, change, and diversity
- Fully secure; refinements accessible only within the customer space
Extension Development Kit (EDK)
Make the solution a perfect glove-fit!
EiBass ERP on Cloud offers a comprehensive Extension Development Kit, which enables partners to quickly evaluate, implement, and deploy best business practices for both industry-specific and general activities. It allows organizations to build their own unique set of extended features, adding to the existing functionality.
All additional changes can be done without modifying the standard product source code. As a result, upgrades are not compromised. EiBass EDK is also useful for making in-house changes after the solution goes live.
EiBass’s Extension Development Kit enables the partners to:
- Create extensions over the Internet to suit the individual organization’s needs
- Create New User interfaces
- Create additional/new user interfaces as extensions of existing applications
- Create full-fledged applications
- Reuse extensions across multiple customers for partner assisted customers
- Be a part of a sophisticated partner development community, which can leverage the power of web-based development
Salient features of EiBass Extension Development Kit include:
- Modeled UI Layout Design, supporting a wide variety of user interface elements such as Pages, Sections, Controls, Hyperlinks and Data Grids
- Seamless extensions through linking of custom developed extension User Interfaces to existing User Interfaces
- Business logic definition in the new User Interfaces through a variety of ready-to-use patterns in user interface behavior
- Ability to include custom business logic in addition to pattern-based design
- Create new reports to render content in Crystal or PDF technologies
- Automate the creation of Report Launch Screens that facilitate capturing of input data from the end users and launch these reports with the captured input data
Portal Development Kit
Eibass’s Portal Development Kit offers a powerful infrastructure that empowers partners to create customer-specific portlets. It also enables customers to seamlessly compose their own dashboards containing these custom portlets, along with existing pre-packaged portlets.
Customers also stand to gain from the enterprise dashboards and customer/user-specific portlet content. The model-driven portal development environment facilitates the designing of User Interface layouts, both for desktops as well as for tablets. Capabilities are also provided to associate the user interface elements to the corresponding data sources for data binding.
Salient features of Portal Development Kit include:
- A Visual Designer
- Ability to model User actions
- Ability to preview the portlet layout
- Auto build, package and deploy in the partner’s environment
- Supports common controls/charts/images
- Integrates with existing User Interfaces
Query By Forms
The Extension Development Kit also comes with a Query by Forms (QBF) capability that enables partners to build adhoc business queries and publish them for a customer. This capability enables partners to convert requirements of simple listing reports into Business Queries and publish them for their customers. The customers can use these queries as part of their dashboard to get a seamless experience.