We walk that 'extra mile' for our clients
One of the natural fall-outs of growing technological dependency of banks is complex vendor relationships. Managing multiple vendors requires resource as well as expertise. Banks, especially, the small ones, which are both resource and budget strapped, are the worst affected of this situation. It often increases their costs instead of lowering it. Issac Technologies has addressed this issue by offering a gamut of IT services to make the lives of its clients easy.
Software as a Service (SaaS)
Software as a Service or web software service, as it is sometime called, is gaining popularity especially with small banks which want to lower their expenses towards hardware maintenance and software licensing. The application is deployed over the internet and doesn’t require any hosting platform at client’s destination. Issues like software maintenance, management, and upgrade are also taken care of by the vendor along with complexities regarding data security, storage and hosting. The client only pays for the units of resources used by him.
EiBASS as a SaaS service provider has earned quite a reputation. EiBASS Core Banking Solution is designed for easy deployment over the internet. It is also agile, responsive and scalable to adjust to the growing needs of an expanding bank. We have helped our clients to revamp their traditional IT environment through seamless integration and migration to web-based software platform.
System Integration
System integration is an integral part of system implementation. However, it is a complex process with heavy resource involvement. Our service package comes with end-to-end, hassle free system integration solution.
- Datacenter build-up and consolidation
- Hardware network installation
- Delivery channel integration
- Application and enterprise system integration
- Platform integration
To deliver industry best system integration solution to our clients we have partnered with the leading hardware and infrastructure service providers in the industry.
During our long exposure to the industry we have recognized a serious dearth of qualified support solution for banks and FIs. Often banks are left to fend for themselves once the CBS system is installed leading to a serious crisis in user adoption and redundancy. We have built a support team of professionals to provide industry standard support and training solutions to our clients.
This bunch of services can be clubbed with software support or can be sourced as standalone service as may be required by the client.
- Data migration Support
- Database Administration, Management and Support
- Application Support
- 24*7 Bank Helpdesk support
- Training system designing and user acceptance testing
Support services are important part of the SLA and most software implementation projects suffer from the lack of it. Banks, especially, small ones with no IT support available in-house need to depend on outsourced service solutions. EiBASS provides one contact point for software service related issues.